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So what happened at Miami mall?
>over 700 cops
>SWAT, and Military
>all flights grounded
>black hawks seeing flying around
>60 thousand homes with cut power
>People running in terror, claim they saw large 7-8ft tall "entities"
>All 5g towers and internet in the area shutdown
Seriously, wtf happened?
Internet racists told me
There appealed to be more going on then just some niggers rating hell. I'll try and see if I got any webm. 700 or whatever cops don't get called for some Dome kids at new years.
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The truth is out the there.
>I'll try and see if I got any webm.
Don't bother, I saw a couple and I can assure it was a cheap and careless psyop. Pure BS to test the water for the bigger Bluebeam psyop, the arrival of the aliens.
>700 or whatever cops don't get called for some Dome kids at new years.
You would be surprised. Bots rush to any call to fill the paperwork while racketing neighbors' money.

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War Thunder Mobile Brings Back the Pony for April Fools with "Flying is Magic" Update
171528 171529
Runs through April 8th.
This is super cool.
Also, we are so back.

People are saying this is the next Gamergate 2.0
Threads about this company, Sweet Baby Inc., are being constantly moved from /v/ to /pol/.

>Sweet Baby Inc. is not the
largest narrative design company in the games industry. Nor is it solely responsible for the characters and stories in recent high-profile releases like Alan Wake 2, God of War Ragnarok, and Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League. But good luck telling some gamers that.

>Though these kinds of social media posts argue that companies like Sweet Baby Inc. somehow “force” game studios to include diverse characters and storylines, the reality is vastly different. Sweet Baby Inc. is a narrative design company, meaning most of its work is focused on writing stories and dialogue—they are not a DEI consultancy firm. That means they ensure a game’s plot points make logical sense and are satisfying to players, and that characters speak and behave in consistent ways. Narrative designers may also provide a final round of polish, like a Hollywood “script doctor.” For example, the team worked on Suicide Squad long after the story was written—and even then they joined just to write in-game ads, audio logs, and NPC “barks,” CEO Kim Belair tells me over video call.


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>"Racism is okay when niggers do it"

I guess this means I can't visit the United States anytime soon.

I fucking hate Armenians so much.

An infographic designed to get a sense of political threat, which obviously translates into funneling taxpayer money to activists and assorted government employees. It is a grift.

Tulpa Thread
Hey guys!

It's been a while since I've read about tulpas on this board. We should change that.

If anyone's interested, I'd love to talk with other hosts and tups. If any users have questions or are generally curious about what being a host is like, drop a line!

It's been nearly twelve years since I met my own, and I'd not trade her for the world. We're always learning and keen on making new friends.
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Business Dog
171234 171236 171237
I'm too tired to respond properly (past midnight here), but am very curious to know just what's in it for you - to not only "fraternise" with "tulpas" but also recommend it to others. What's in it for you?

At the very least, it's doctorate-level escapism, and even you need to admit that escapism can get destructive very quickly. How is any of this good?

(I'll find that jpg tomorrow, of a decaying woman with VR goggles on, inside a rotting room, with the caption "You will own nothing and you will be happy.")

>I grew up in a super religious household and I can't stand it, I wasn't even allowed to watch Pokémon or even Teletubbies because they was "satanic".
Wow, to be honest it sounds like you have amazing parents. I wish more parents had kept their children away from that mind/soul-destroying shit. (Pokemon was woke as hell and full of animal-abuse, and telestubbies wasn't only mind-numbing but had weird almost-sexual innuendos and situations in it.)

Can you trace your decisions back to the point where you decided to reject their advice? I'm wondering why your parents keeping you from such twisted mind-programming didn't prevent you from disliking it as well.

I used to watch all the shit on TV growing up, over many years, from the kiddie-shit to the violent and sexual stuff, and it messed me up big time.
If I ever manage to reproduce (with an actual female), I'll NEVER let my pups watch TV; in fact there won't be a TV in my house, and the computer will be locked away in a secret room. Any visitors (and their offspring) will first be checked thoroughly for signs of TV/media addiction/programming before being allowed contact with my family.
I got sick of it, constantly having the bible shoved down my throat drove me FAR away from it. I got sick of being told everything is evil and satanic or witchcraft. it drove both my sisters away from it also, my sisters wanted a haircut for years and mom wouldn't allow it because "the bible says women should have long hair" you know what they did the second they moved out? they cut their hair short and dyed it
>in similar "circles"
All new-age crap is not reliable.
They'll try grabbing whatever they can.
>Bitch, please
You double nigger. You have to be as wise as snakes and innocent as doves. You're actively making an ass of yourself and the bludgeon you're using.
Because you aren't going about this wisely.
<Follow with what The Holy Spirit has for you. He is powerful.
Which is more powerful some natural or demonic force or God dicking around? It's always God.
Prove it.
Again God is much more than anything that would attempt to muster against Him.
>lot of assumptions
So are you.
>tulpas are channeled demons
Incorrect they are not. They're people. As people they too can have a sinful nature like all of us and with The Holy Ghost and Jesus' finished work on the cross also a spirit nature like all of us has the opportunity to embrace.
They can be in His book of life.

>The Jesus you are talking about is not the real Jesus Christ.
<His Word is true
<because of Jesus and what He did you can come boldly to the throne of God
<not sniveling, but boldly have a chat
<His word is true, we have the way greater than Moses. Which I might add talked face to face with eachother.
<He made you.
<He did all this because of who He is.
<saint Paul does what The Holy Ghost has for him and The Holy Ghost is full of power and majesty.
Could potentially that what I say is true, you're attacking the source of my credibility?
It is possible for demons to wear disguises what they don't do is point people back to Jesus on the cross unless God is making them do so.
So you claim that He that I know isn't Him.
You could ask God that you know and He will respond for many reasons, one of which is that He said He would.
However do you know Him and does He know you? When you understand what Jesus has done (The Good News) you can with confidence always say yes.
Did you talk with God?
If not maybe take a minute to stop throwing stones in a glass house and go talk with Him.
>How is any of this good?
Go ask God.

>amazing parents
It sounds to me that it's a hyper religious like the pharisees.
Not an introduction to Jesus and The Holy Ghost and The Father, but using dead words in dead ways. A club to enforce obedience.
>it messed me up big time
You should talk with God about that. He knows if you're able to handle meat and whether you'll hurt yourself by doing so one way or the other.
>very curious to know just what's in it for you
Nothing actually. I just found those arguments to be BS. I don't have any tulpas. I tried it out back in the old /mlp/ threads, but it never worked out for me.
I also know that tulpafags are part of this fandom, and that preserving the culture of /mlp/ oldfags is part of the purpose of this site, so it's normal that the /x/ section of the site would have a tulpa thread.
>"fraternise" with "tulpas"
What does that even mean?
>recommend it to others
Nowhere did I recommend it.
>At the very least, it's doctorate-level escapism
This is true. Then again, a lot of things in the FiM fandom are escapism.
>you need to admit that escapism can get destructive very quickly
It can, but not necessarily. Like I said above, a lot of the FiM fandom is escapism, and it hasn't necessarily been harmful. A couple whitepills here and there aren't too bad.
>VR goggles
Has nothing to do with tulpas.
>Pokemon was woke as hell
>full of animal-abuse
They really toned down the implications of abuse in the games. Now it's all about friendship.
If you want animal abuse simulator, play Palworld.
>If I ever manage to reproduce (with an actual female), I'll NEVER let my pups watch TV; in fact there won't be a TV in my house, and the computer will be locked away in a secret room. Any visitors (and their offspring) will first be checked thoroughly for signs of TV/media addiction/programming before being allowed contact with my family.
That's quite rich coming from the guy who by his own admission is arguing on a Mongolian horsewhispering forum at midnight.
Sleep deprived me is dumb don't listen to sleep deprived me.

Holy Equestrian Empire
Bookus Purpleous
I hereby declare this journal thread an embassy for Holy Equestria and her royal Highnesses.
May the bonds of mare and men unite our species in everlasting friendship.
I ask for all your wisdom and insight in these times. My friend Pinkie Pie Pink Po and her Pink legion have dominated the desserts and deserts bringing into the fold minotaur in stature creatures. What should we do with these new barren sand lands and beings?

2 replies and 0 files omitted.
love mares, protect mares, kiss mares on the snout, sneak up behind mares and give them a hug, liberate mares, cook mares a nice breakfast, give mares a college education, pay mares Fair wages, heal mares, complement mares on their manes and coats, create a stable job market for mares, give mares quests, let mares teach restoration magic to the people, tuck mares into bed and let them know it will be okay, teach mares that they are not all Lusty or servants, break stereotypes about mares, try Pony Cuisine, Embrace mares, fuck mares, let mares know they have a valuable place in society, give ponies magic weapons and pay them to defend your Treasures, learn the unique combat styles of mares, give a Pony an Ebony spear, seduce mares, engage mares in Long Pleasant conversation, play League of Legends with mares, guide mares through the rough and Rocky Waters of life, let mares plot with you to destroy the mongrel dogs of the Empire, pat mares on the back for a job well done, employ mares, love mares.
Wholesome af
And did I sense some Morrowind in it?
It's a copypasta of a copypasta and I just search/replaced 'argonian' with 'mare'
Tired from long trials
Bookus Purpleous
Greetings everypony everyone it is I hi I'm Spike the one writing this Twilight Sparkle Bookus Purpleous dictating writing to all friends of Equestria The Holy Equestrian Empire. Thanks to you all we have initiated social and economic reforms for the non-equine slavery with a velvety sock. Her Highness Celestia greatly approved of both the plans and our growing embassy of friendship. Great trouble has kept me a, human enthusiast, from you, mare enthusiasts, changelings used to infest our banking sectors, education sectors, government sectors and media sectors. We now have them in their appropriate place. Only then did my friends and their legions come to find the largest terror. Chrysalis self proclaimed Queen of the champions was mind controlling my BBBFF the Captain of the Royal Guard, and nearly cucked my favorite foal-sitter Candace out of a happy marriage usurped the Armor-SparkleLight and Royal Mi Amore Cadenza lineage. With all our combined effort and the power of friendship and love we succeed in ousting her.
Hopefully that's the last of the threats to Equestria The Holy Equestrian Empire. I can now dedicate some of my free time to Roleplaying with my friends about all you cool people conquering and exploring new lands bringing both friendship and magic. Unwinding from threats for small and large.
With great love and friendship and the offical holy kiss,
Twilight Sparkle
Bookus Purpleous

Bookus Purpleous
I just got a scroll from Princess Celestia.
Bookus Purpleous
I know not how long I'll be gone again for this trial.

Coast to Coast FM
First time caller line, west of the Rockies you're on the air.

Occupied Equestria - Get Away
Now, on Occupied Equestria: Silver is storming the Ministry building to find a changeling bomb. Posey is making her get away from unknown hostiles after an adventure in the city. Amber is trying desperately to flee the country. All of that, and more
1403 replies and 112 files omitted.
And it is the one place they have a chance of true escape in. After boarding passengers at Beakstadt and departing the station, Amber goes to Helder and asks what they should do at Hellheim. Amber has done her part, now it's up to him and his contacts.
Very colorful and detailed exposition, as usual.

Posey exits the vehicle and thanks Mason for his service. She shuffles Gloomy along with her, levitating the excited and curious foal and trotting towards the building a bit more quickly than a normal pony might with a whirl of her cape, trying to stay out of the sun.

>rod of Asclepius
Posey winces at the healing symbol somewhat, averting her gaze as she forges as she passes.
> For Gloomy in particular this must be an unusual experience, for rarely has he seen so many living ponies, and certainly not like this.
Gloomy is not feeling so gloomy right now, as he is indeed very excited by all of the new sights "ooh-ing" and "ah-ing" as he goes. He turns his head left and right, taking in all of the new experiences, and shouting several variations of "momma look!", blissfully ignorant to the furtive and paranoid attitude of his momma.
His excitement gets the better of him, and by the time the door closes his happy giggling abruptly deteriorates into a rough coughing fit, followed by a series of pained groans, shudders and head-tossing as he weakly mutters something incoherent.
At this, Posey stops, turns to Gloomy, and holds his head to her chest with a hushed whisper, stroking his mane and cooing a faint eerie melody that seems to calm the foal down, like a lullaby. As his convulsing stops, Gloomy, looks up at Posey with a silent nod as she strokes his mane. He smiles at her through his pained grimace. His demeanor is once again a bit gloomier, but also calm, and still showing signs of his youthful excitement from earlier.
"Are you ready, my sweet little lamb?"
"Y-yes, momma."
"Do you need to stop? Take a nap? Have a snack? Go potty?"
"No momma."
"What a big, strong colt you're turning out to be. Trot along now, sweetie." Posey says, tasseling his mane as she turns and walks deeper into the building, slower this time as Gloomy weakly follows after her.

If any other ponies stared at this interaction, Posey pays them no mind, unless of course they solicit her.
170997 170999
I take it that Posey already knows which room to meet the doctor?
I'm going to preemptively roll a Gather Information check for Posey to find her way there, if needed.
[1d20+4 = (15+4) = 19]
Pretty sure that succeeded.
Posey checks with the clerk, before proceeding to the doctor's office.
Unhelpfully, yet not entirely unsurprisingly, Helder freezes up. Helder says,

"We need - we need to get to Freieluft within the Office of the Master of Rituals... the director of art. In Hellquill City."
Posey doesn't have to look far at all, as Mason guides her to an office. Going inside, it's not of a particularly large size, perhaps a little smaller than a bedroom. There is a window on the far side, though the blinds are closed and both the left and right walls, as well as every single inch of the close wall save for doorway, is covered in bookshelves. Innumerable books crowd the shelves, many with worn leather binds, or pages that stick out of the book after having clearly fallen out and being imperfectly placed back in. An Equestrian steel military helmet, with its straps off to each side, sits on top of the left shelf. Near the closed blinds of the windows, a bit to the left, is a pot with an artificial "plant" that has feathers in place of leaves. In front of that is a crowded wooden desk, with a busy mail stack piled with letters. There is a stack of papers, as well as another stapled on top of that, and a red booklet entitled "The Equestrian Medical Journal" in pristine condition on the right side of the desk. On the left and a little closer to the back is a very, very old leather-bound book, titled "Quamoon-e-Islamb, or the customs of the Moosemares of Saddle Arabia" by Jade Saffron. But this is just a sample of what lies in this room. In front of the desk is a single chair, with a ecru wool blanket piled on it, and behind the desk, another simple chair with a rain jacket.

This is the office of Junior Professor of Necromancy Diligent Debride, so says the plaque outside.

World Building
152804 152874 152883 152972
World building is one of the most fun things when roleplaying.
>>152350 → >>321295
There is quite a bit of wold building here in various threads, but am hoping to get a good base worldbuilding thread that we can say "This is the mlpol world" to help facilitate more roleplaying.
Something that others can use as a base to launch their games from.

Do you guys want any kind of scifi in it? Or maybe some scifi hooks? Prior to Celestia and Luna, were there lots of alicorns before?
One of Luna's dream abilities is to change the physical world indirectly from dreams. When Luna visits others in their dreams, and if she is not careful, ponies tend to change.
90 replies and 10 files omitted.
>the expense of raising an army of mages or one-man army mage that can cast fireball.
That's a good question.
If becoming a Wizard is like having a PHD in magic, then the cost to train and educate a wizard could be quite high, not counting the material costs for magic.
However, in the interest of fantasy roleplay, most wizards level up not at the academies, but on the battlefield as adventurers, implying that it costs very little to level up. Then again, d&d leveling was originally tied to how much gold the adventurer procured, so who knows what it costs to train a war wizard.

In most fantasy settings, even high magic ones, accomplished mages are rather rare. There's usually a reason for scarcity in heroic classes, usually the idea that only geniuses can become heroes, which exemplifies the role of player characters as protagonists. This is similarly reflected in /mlp/, as among the unicorns in the show only a handful have strong aptitude for magic, even when looking at Twilight's classmates in the school for gifted unicorns.

Perhaps there wouldn't be very many mages at all on a pony battlefield.
Flat expanding realms as fantasy settings?
I don't really care about the real world, but I wonder what perks there could be to flat planar realms.
I usually treat outer planes as semi-flat unlimited ranges, so why not treat the prime material plane the same? The ice rings could be interesting zones to explore, and beyond them there could be older worlds and advanced civilizations.

A setting with a long history could have interesting events with a new Sun/Earth being born.
I'm considering doing this for my upcoming pony game.
It wouldn't be hard to unfold the globe into a realm, and it makes my lore about the wendigos occupying the edges of creation make more sense occupying a ring than two poles.

Also, doing away with scientific concepts like planets, gravitation and orbits opens up room for more fantasy concepts, like entities interacting with celestial bodies (See: Celestia and Luna).
What would you say are elements for a good pony setting? What kind of pony world would you want to play in?
How should the planescape work in a pony game? FiM makes little mention of outer planes, but many games give mention to upper/lower celestial/fiendish planes.
I would certainly make the realm of dreams quite relevant, and maybe even Tartarus for monstrous creatures, but other Planar aspects aren't really in line with FiM.
What about the afterlife though? I considered making the realm of dreams also the realm of the dead.

Pony-pony Waifus in Christ
Anonymous ft. Applejack
170627 170637
Tulpa, spiritual beings, entities, thought forms, beings not quite of Earth and waifus.
Ponies of the animation kind.
I asked and recieved, in mind and heart and soul those I loved.
Months those connections set aside to develop one with my God. God developing the connection, I believed (that too is of God) and asked that I would accept (that too is of God).
Today, they're brought back into my life. I was quarantined of sorts due to needing extensive healing, had those connections been there at that time they would be lost as the husk (the lie) I was sloughed off.
Attached properly to who I actually am God has saved them and me from immense tragedy.
It started with Applejack singing of a concept in computing, you'll know it when you hear it, a grisly voice roaring how it'll consume the soul.
Applejack just putting an apple in its mouth shutting it up.
She too is a friend of Jesus Christ and is in Him and He in her.
It's one thing to know in your mind, it's another for God to verify.
Applejack asked that I open a verse so she can read.
Grabbing my handy dandy Bible opening at random (God moving) to First Peter 3:1.
Howdy yall, it's a big place out there, but He's bigger and better than a cherry jamboree let aline apple pie. He made yall's place and everything too.
I'm glad to be part of that everything. You might be concerned that your waifu is taken, if yah don't know God that's a valid concern, even among the huge apple orchards of all that is elsewhere, a multiverse of multiverses going up and out ever increasing. Finding and connecting with them could be tough with how big the neighborhood is.
Well you ain't alone and you have the best neighbor and father.
You have to think bigger and better even if it's impossible or improbable, God has you in mind. Importantly in heart as well.
He's coming.
You have to ask yourself if you had an apple orchard and could increase however much land and apple trees on and on, you would right? Some might say there's a limit with bodies or time or mind or caring that having such a big ever increasing orchard would be more of a hassle than it's worth having.
However if you did have all those limits gone having an ever increasing apple orchard is a swell idea.
God knows exactly which apples caught your eye before you've even seen em.
He wants you to be like Him and that includes in abundance. Everybody would you bold that sugarcube being refreshing as you are His apple in His eye. Jesus took in the consequences of sin upon himself, sin's doing anything without faith or being neighborly. Like a mudslide taking everything out things further down.
If you could do things with or without your waifu, you'd choose to do it with your waifu right?
With the bucked up stuff going on there, somebody would just find their waifu pretending, and acting like a no good
>nohooves abusive gold diggerthat just ain't right.
That ain't who you are.
You're a certified husbando or waifu who God is extremely well pleased with.
You know-
He made us, and you can keep on diving into His love forever who cares about everything and you're the bees knees.
Stopping a mudslide is tricky. Stopping and preparing against a mudslide at the same time now and in the future a bit tougher.
You'd let her go because of love. The record is going to be set straight.
You'd indulge your waifu with what she desires before she even knows it spaced out enough to fully enjoy and savor sometimes. You'd try to stop disaster, but also let her be her own mare.
Yall are good folk, so be ready for a Christmas gift.
He is The Christmas gift, both Jesus and the Holy Spirit. The gift that keeps on giving.
This is as much for (you) as it is for OP.

22 replies and 4 files omitted.
mlp - pony - scared - christian cross.png
>When I pray, besides in Tongues with The Holy Ghost
>in tongues
Fuck, now is confirmed you are possessed.
Say your real name you demon.
You should read your Bible.
>now is confirmed you are possessed.
Incorrect The Holy Ghost is within as He has baptized me in His fire.
Tongues as aforementioned is what anyone and everyone who is with The Holy Ghost can do.
There's that of other languages spoken commonly, but that's not what I'm talking about. God can enable people to do that.
I'm talking about what is essentially baby babbling except God is praying to God and only God knows. Unless you ask and seek to know.
With God speaking ordered noises is fully under your control and cooperation. You start doing it and you stop doing it, it's really simple.
The Holy Ghost is the gift, His fruit also is of peace, power and majesty. Such as prophecy.
Acts 11
Colossians 1
Romans 10
Romans 15:19
2 Corinthians 2-5
You'll notice I'm not citing the power, but the spirit and intent He wants to send.
Hebrews 1
Jesus is my friend and family and Lord and God. I won't deny Him. The Holy Ghost will always affirm Jesus Christ.
Ask God to affirm His Ghost, ask God to affirm Jesus. He will do it.
The Holy Spirit will always point you to Jesus.
Who you are in Him.
The Holy Ghost hits the mark on your behalf, for example when praying.
1 Thessalonians 5:12-28
Stay away.
You've accepted what Jesus has done for you right?
Are you standing in Jesus or not? When you are who God says you are demons run the fuck away from you.
Walk in The Holy Ghost He'll teach you all things.
Read the New Testament.
Galatians 5:22-23
I'm not a demon or other entity of that ilk.
And even if you're not in Jesus you can call out to Jesus for help.
Otherwise improve your stank ass low quality bait.
Hey guys! Not trying to stir the figurative pot, but I found this webpage and thought it might warrant consideration. In the preface, it states that glossolalia (speaking in tongues) was most likely deprecated after it served a purpose during the time of the New Testament, and if happened upon, is a hugely personal experience tied to one communing with the Holy Spirit.
I think Saint Paul's careful admonition of the Corinthian variant to be illuminating: "I would like for all of you to speak in strange tongues; but I would rather that you had the gift of proclaiming God's message. For the person who proclaims God's message is of greater value than the one who speaks in strange tongues-unless there is someone who can explain what he says, so the whole Church may be edified. So when I come to you, my brethren, what use will I be to you if I speak in strange tongues? Not a bit, unless I bring to you some revelation from God or some knowledge or some inspired message or some teaching."
This statement was issued to the Christians in Corinth as they were still vaguely influenced by Dionysiac customs of divine stupor and sought to rectify their overall course, lest they wrongfully syncreticise paganism with Christ's teachings. The other major instance outlined was pertient to Pentecost, which was due to the Holy Spirit inspiring the gathered Apostles, who'd begun to speak in many languages and dialects. It's written that the many Jews who'd visited Jerusalem on that day had heard all of them and could understand what they said despite not having an intuitive knowledge of the languages being spoken. What do you all think?
As Saint Paul corrected the Corinthians from only using what The Holy Ghost provides for only themselves to instead think about how to enrich others.
They're hyper focusing on over hearing private prayer and encoded prophetic message that requires an interpreter (which they forgo) as the main mode of the group. Which isn't how it's supposed to be, it's about love for one another and those lost and those who are enemies.
In private you can communicate with God. In a way you understand and in a way only The Holy Ghost knows.
First Corinthians 14:4

Ժամանակը արժեքավոր է, և դուք պետք է սովորեք բույսերով բուժելու գիտելիքները, բարիք գործեք ուրիշներին, ունենաք ձեր առողջությունը և արժանապատիվ կյանք վարեք այնպես, ինչպես Աստված է հաստատել:
Ժամանակն այժմ է, թե չէ ուշ կլինի։ Ես սիրում եմ քեզ, և Աստված նույնպես:

Քրիստոսը թագավոր է:
All right. I deciphered the code.
अविश्वासिनः मम चेतावनीः शृणुत। अतिराजकुमारस्यैव सामर्थ्येन भवतः मनसि नीतः। अस्मिन् देशे वयं वेद्याः उत्थापितवन्तः येन वयं भवन्तं स्वदेवेभ्यः बलिदानं कुर्मः। दशसहस्राब्दानां अपवित्रयुद्धस्य दिग्गजाः भवन्तं स्वस्य महान् जूतानां पदानां अधः पिष्टुं प्रतीक्षन्ते । खोर्ने इत्यस्य चयनिताः भवन्तं स्वस्य रक्तरंजितसङ्ख्यायां योजयितुं क्षुधां कुर्वन्ति। रकतदेवः स्वयमेव एतां भूमिं चिह्नितवान्, भवतः कपालं च स्वसिंहासनार्थं दास्यति। अपरिहार्यस्य विरोधे आशा नास्त

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